Beetle Juice

Recently deceased couple Adam (Alec Baldwin) and Barbara Maitland (Geena Davis) who are struggling to come to terms with the confusion and drudgery of the afterlife when an unwanted family of oddballs Charles Deetz (Jeffrey Jones) his obnoxious wife Delia (Catherine O’Hara) and funereal loving daughter Lydia (Winona Ryder) move in and overrun there once quaint and beautiful home. Delia who with her nasal, mauve-mongering Soho decorator Otho (Glenn Shadix) strip there home of all its charm and turn it into modern art hell. Unable to spook the living out them selfs they call on the help of Beetlejuice (Michael Keaton) a cowboy/used car sales man stye “bio exorcist “. This obnoxious poltergeist promises to “exorcise” the living from the home, but dishes out a tonne of supernatural mayhem while he’s at it!

Beetlejuice.. Beetlejuice.. Beetlejuice… Aww nothing happened, was really hoping for the ghost with the most Beetlejuice to appear and start jamming to “Day-O” (The Banana Boat Song) with me… aww well! Still we have the movie, and it’s an amazing movie, its a fun wacky macabre zany movie, Its a movie that could only of been envisioned by the dark twisted and fantastical imagination of Tim Burton. Tim who teams up with writers Michael McDowel and Larry Wilson (The Nightmare Before Christmas).  I love the thought of the Neitherworld, its not hell or even hellish its just screwed up and mental.  Also going out of bounds transporting you to Saturn that was covered in those sand worms was an amazing touch.  Michael Keaton is in no doubt the main star of the flim and actually ad-libbed many of his lines.  Funny, scary, gross extremely innaproprate and strangley loveable Beetlejuice really is the ghost with the most!

Why did I choose this movie? Well because it is completely bizarre, wacky comedy about the undead with one of the most memorable characters ever, the perfect Halloween Movie!! Its subtle touches like the undead hand book and the support worker who had her throat slit and breaths her ciggerette smoke out the hole just adds to the insanity and fun of the movie, I think that if it was made today Jonny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter at the helm but don’t worry I cant see a remake in the mix. Its charm is that despite being over twenty years old, Beetlejuice is relatively ageless, the special effects are spot on with the anamtronics even lending its quirkyness to the whole thing.  A creative and very original story that you will watch, watch again and enjoy over and over! Shake shake shake Señora, shake your body line…

 My Rating: A*
Format: DVD
I Own This Movie

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