Edgars Favourite Things: Dunkin’ for Parsley

Ok this is a old story. Edgar had two baby teeth that refused to come out and gave him very smelly breath. Clare and I Googled how to freshen a dogs breath to stop us from being sick whilst waiting for the teeth to fall out and found that parsley in water can help with the smell. What we did was rip up chunks of parsley and scatter it through the water – but Edgar had a better idea of what parsley was good for in water. He decided he had quite liked the taste of i and proceeded to dunk his face in to pick out the pieces of parsley leaving him completely soaked! In the end up we had to chop the parsley finely to stop the mess. His teeth have since been pulled and his breath has become delightfully doggy fresh again.

Why not find out more about Edgar at his own wee Blog on Stuff Our Dog Does

Edgar’s Favourite Things: Gazing Out The Windows

Thing about Edgar is he really does enjoy keeping an eye on the world!  He could happily cuddle up and stare out the windows watching the world go by and having a little nosy at all that’s going on!

The photo above shows Edgar intently staring out the window into the back garden looking out for squirrels or the neighbours cat.  the photo below shows Edgar having a nosy out the front window at the cars and other doggies on their walks.

He is like a little old man just keeping an eye on all the neighbourhood  making sure that he doest miss out on anything.  Its the best thing when he is being clipped, We plonk him on the table and it keeps him distracted!

Happy Birthday Edgar!

Today is Edgar’s birthday! Yes the little hound is a whole year old!   The photo on the left is his happy but scruffy face this morning as he was waking his mummy and daddy up early from a pleasant slumber!  He will be getting spoilt, ok more spoilt than he already is at the weekend!  We are going to buy him a new teddy from Clare’s Parents from Build a Bear so a big thank you to them from us and Edgar. Edgar loved his bears but the one he has now is getting a bit tattered, I will update you on the bear when we get it!

He already has made great friends with his new duck toy that his pal Keith Greer got him as his first birthday present!  To all of you who know Keith it is a very appropriate present!  The photo to the right shows him chewing away!  At first Edgar was scared of the squeak, now we are!  He loves it and its a constant companion and a constant squeak about the house! I will just add to keith if you are reading.That duck iS LOUD,  and thank you, Edgar loves it! Should we name the duck? Any suggestions? Answers on the comments section!

Edgar came into the world on the 30th of October but it was not until the 24th of December that he came into our lives.  Small bundle of fur who loved the camera from day one! His ears are a little more floppy in the photo the the left but you can see what a beautiful little hound he is!  So this little post is all about Edgar!  Our little, inquisitive, playful, loveable puppy who in a few weeks will be moving onto the adult food and more adventures as a big dog!

Why not find out more about Edgar at his own wee Blog on Stuff Our Dog Does

Edgars Favourite Things: Walkies

Walkies – of course very dog likes their walks but we thought we would share Edgar’s favourite walkabouts with you. Edgar’s favourite walk is along the canal because gets to see lots of people, other dogs and the ducks. The walk takes him off the canal and down through the park where he gets to make friends and meet lots of children. He has a fondness for children but not prams which makes it funny when he hesitates as the whether or not it is worth introducing himself.

He also likes to walk by flats and houses, especially when older folk live in them as Edgar’s two most favourite kinds of people are old ladies and children. Edgar may have a fondness for people, but he has a special fondness for the lady dogs – usually when Edgar meets a male dog he gets very, very excited and playful (which the older ones hate) but when he meets a lady dog.. Suave Edgar comes out and he becomes cool and collected. Edgar also likes to carry sticks but we are very careful when he carries them to make sure he does not hurt himself! Sticks can be a little bit tricky for puppies to pick up!

Why not find out more about Edgar at his own wee Blog on Stuff Our Dog Does

Edgar’s Favourite Things: The Vet

EdgarThe vet – You would assume most dogs would hate the vet, but not Edgar. He loves the vet! We don’t know what it is about the vet but he cannot contain is excitement when he goes in. As a puppy he is in more regularly for check ups, jabs, worming and micro-chipping. He also had to go in to get two puppy teeth pulled when they would not fall out. He struts in with his tail and bum waggling with his excitement and likes to get to see all the other animals and this is when we found out he loves cats. When with the vet his is always quiet and well behaved, even when getting jabs which totally surprised the vet as most young puppies in their surgery cry at jabs.  On his last visit when getting puppy teeth pulled he as given a sedative and was put under – but when he woke up after his surgery his tail was still determined to wag even though he couldn’t walk without a swagger. Everyone at the surgery loves him

Check out more about Edgar at his own wee Blog on Stuff Our Dog Does

Edgar: An Introduction

Edgar is our little miniature schnauzer who has a giant personality. Born on the 30th October 2012 Edgar is an inquisitive, mischievous, energetic and friendly dog who is full of love!  This section of the blog is dedicated totally to all of Edgar’s antics!  Everything that the little hound gets up to will be documented here!  Check back for all the story’s and believe me there are loads, I will be working through a years worth of old ones never mind what else he will get up to.  I will break down things into his favourite things, what he loves and what he doesn’t and of course all the photos!

There is so much to tell about this wee puppy he is nearly a year old so allot of the back story and photos will be filled in like I said as we go.  The photo shown here is Edgar at seven and a half months and he looks so dignified and proper.  There is so so many more saved and even more yet to be snapped not all of them will show him at his charming best but all will show how beautiful and loving our wee puppy is!

Anything you want to know about Edgar? Just ask us!  It would be amazing to get some questions.  I am hoping to get a friends of Edgar section going in the future so if you wanna be a friend of Edgar just send a photo of your pet in and I will pop him on the site!  I will be adding as much as possible at every chance I get so you all will know everything about his very soon!